Rivanna Village – 400 More Homes Coming – Near Glenmore

What they’ve done here is pretty cool.

400 more homes coming to that section of 250 East will be interesting.

“The plan also features about 32 acres of open space and linear parks, a mixed-use village center and single-family homes.”

This is a prime example of why I tell my clients that if they don’t own the land around them, they should expect it to change. I wonder how many people who moved to Glenmore in 2007 knew they’d be neighbors to this new development?

The Rivanna Village project has been in the works for over a decade … I was a bit surprised to see that I’d written about it in 2005. (sadly, the Daily Progress story to which I linked is disappointingly gone).

Further, the town centers I wrote about in 2007 have not quite come to fruition; Albemarle Place is Stonefield, Belvedere doesn’t yet have a town center and North Pointe is still a couple years away.

Read the whole story at Charlottesville Tomorrow.

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  1. Simon Campbell May 8, 2014 at 09:26

    The only constant thing in life is change. It is surprising how even though we know that is a fact of life, we still balk at it. Then, when it is done, we usually tell ourselves that it wasn’t that bad. Tree huggers and conservative homeowners usually hate development but if done well, it can add to the community rather than detract.

  2. Mark May 8, 2014 at 10:01

    Not a surprise that the town centers have not come to fruition. I would never buy a house on a developer’s or builder’s promised plans. They always find a way out. Did Old Trail ever build a town center?

    1. Jim Duncan May 10, 2014 at 05:47

      Old Trail’s town center is plugging along … they’re close to getting the second town center announced.


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