Bicycle Garages in Charlottesville – A Great Evolution

In a first (that I’m aware of) in Charlottesville – bicycle garages! **

They just make sense, particularly as the neighborhood in which these townhomes are being built is right in Downtown Charlottesville, is a 6 minute bicycle ride to the Mudhouse on the Downtown Mall.

Bicycle Garages  -’s post made me look back at a post I wrote nearly 8 years ago, in which I responded to a reader who wrote about there being, essentially “two Charlottesvilles” – those who live in the City and those who don’t.

Bicycle garages are evidence of the growing ability to live entirely in the City of Charlottesville if you so choose.

** This might seem like an ad for Southern Development, as 1) I’m a real estate agent and 2) my firm, Nest Realty, represents Southern Development but really, I just think these are cool. I was having a conversation on Twitter about the Burnet Commons 2 neighborhood  and wondered why I hadn’t written about the bicycle garages before.

While not specifically an ad, I do happen to be a Realtor in Charlottesville and I’d answer your call or email if you are curious about these townhomes.

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  1. Chris Bruce October 30, 2014 at 10:19

    Great idea! Though I’d probably need more space for all my various bikes and the miscellaneous parts I have laying around 😉

    1. Jim Duncan November 2, 2014 at 16:10

      Agreed … I seem to collect bicycle things. Maybe they have an organization option, too. 🙂

  2. Simon Campbell October 31, 2014 at 15:28

    I don’t know whether I should take this article as serious or a joke. LOL Yes there are more bikers out there but isn’t that why we have closets or hooks on the wall? But I have to agree that a “bicycle garage” sounds much more cool!

    1. Jim Duncan November 2, 2014 at 16:10

      Dead serious. Urban location, minutes to downtown … this is a needed option.


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