Is Charlottesville – Albemarle Infrastructure Ready for Population Boom?

Charlottesville Albemarle Population growing

If this map and data are anywhere close to accurate (thanks CityLab for pointing it out), there are going to be a lot more people living in the Charlottesville/Albemarle region in 20 years.

What are the localities doing to prepare the infrastructure – roads, bike lanes, power grid – to accommodate these folks? I ask in part because of a meeting in Crozet last night that discussed rezoning a property from 1 unit per acre to 3-4 units per acre; the community discussion quickly moved from the rezoning itself to the supporting infrastructure. If you have a few minutes, dig into the tweet stream from that meeting; it’s really quite interesting, and I think probably representative of many conversations that are or should be happening in Central Virginia and beyond.



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1 Comment

  1. Stormy January 22, 2015 at 14:29

    Water seems resolved, right? Not sure any others are.


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