Albemarle and Charlottesville are Growing

Charlottesville Tomorrow reports that Albemarle and Charlottesville are growing.

The center estimated Charlottesville had a populationat 47,783 as of July 1, 2014, up from 43,475 in 2010.

Albemarle is estimated to have increased by 4.8 percent with a population of 103,707 as of July 1, 2014.

“Estimates are produced using demographic indicators, such as births, deaths, home construction or fiscally responsible school data, to estimate the current population,” Lombard said.

Anecdotally, anyone paying attention knew this, but it’s useful (and interesting) to see the data.

Let’s hope politicians and the People are paying attention.

29 January 2015 – two updates:

Newsplex did a story on this report and that led to my mentioning these bicycle garages.

– One of my comments on a facebook conversation:

I am not surprised that the city has had such a significant population growth. With the number of new apartments that have come online as well as the demand in the city and the urban ring of the county, I would say that this growth is not unexpected.

I’d wager that the county will say that they are surprised by the growth though.

As someone who has lived here for closing on 30 years, I have mixed feelings. As someone who drives these roads and rides these roads every day, the infrastructure is suffering and not keeping up with the growth that the city and county are seeking. But that is not something that is unique to our region.

I don’t offer a solution to the infrastructure challenges because I don’t trust the people will be willing to pay taxes specifically for setting the structure, nor do I trust the government to use the money effectively or intelligently or efficiently.

I will say this though about the city and county: as far as I know, they are pretty well run and do not suffer massive deficiencies every year. My clients are aware of and recognize and value that when they are evaluating where to live.

tldr: people want to live in the city of Charlottesville and the county about tomorrow, more specifically, close to stuff. this is not be surprising.


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