More Houses Coming to 29 North

Here’s the map from above, if you’re interested.

29 North is soon to get more houses.*

29 North will continue to be either one of the first areas ruled into the search by my buyer clients or the first to be ruled out.

Note – I don’t intend for this to be anything other than an observation about the coming 600-800 new homes at 29 and Polo Grounds Road; the developers own the land, it’s in the growth area, and they’re going to build whatever they are permitted to build and make a profit.

Charlottesville Tomorrow reports:

Residents of the Forest Lakes community gathered recently for the first of several neighborhood brief-ings on a new development project that would transform the corner of U.S. 29 and Polo Grounds Road.

Riverbend Development told a gathering of about 45 people that it has three parcels totaling 300 acres under contract. In three years the company plans to start construction of the Brookhill neighborhood, which will include between 600 and 800 residences, mostly single-family detached homes.

Brookhill also would include a commercial area with access along U.S. 29 between Polo Grounds Road and Ashwood Boulevard. The mixed-use town center would include an as yet undetermined amount of additional higher-density housing. [view larger map]

This type of news/development is why I tell my clients that my role as a buyer agent is to help them look at a house/property holistically.

As I wrote in January:

Not knowing the context of the house you’re considering. There’s way more to a house than the four corners of the property. (what are your triangles?)

And again last month:

This is why, when advising buyer clients, we look beyond the four corners of the property – knowing the new neighborhoods and developments that are likely to come is critical. What the effects will be – infrastructure, noise and light pollution, school populations – and so much more – factor into the homebuying evaluation equation.

This would be a good opportunity to work with the community to develop the bike trail from the Rivanna Station military base from 29 North to Downtown Charlottesville.

Further readingCommuting and Traffic in Charlottesville and Albemarle.

I’ll wager new homes start in the mid-$450s and go to the $600s.

* And more congestion. And more traffic.

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  1. RobE May 2, 2015 at 20:11

    A bike path from N. Albemarle to UVA would be great! 29N coming south on a bike is so scary.


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