Download the Charlottesville Mid-Year Report; ask questions, get educated. In this report, we cover the City of Charlottesville (sales are up, days on market down), Albemarle County (same), Greene, Nelson, Louisa and Fluvanna. We’re seeing mostly positive trends across the board.
Broadly, we’re looking at continued signs of stability.
I’m digging into the more minute data for Albemarle and Charlottesville in this month’s monthly note. A primer:
I think I’m always going to have tempered optimism. The crash has forever jaded me. Across the Charlottesville MSA, we have increased contracts, increased median prices, decreased days on market … but I can also point to the foreclosure I showed last week, or the short sale I didn’t show the week before, or the house that should have sold six weeks ago that is still oddly languishing on the market.
For many, the Charlottesville real estate market is doing well to better.