Parking, Paving, Schools Borrowing Money, Wine, & Bikes

Charlottesville Tomorrow is one of the community’s most valuable resources and they put out a tremendous amount of information that is relevant to my clients, potential clients, (and importantly, myself and my family).

So … for the past 30 days or so, these are some of my most relevant stories from Charlottesville Tomorrow.

I did this wrapup last month … and found it useful. I hope you did as well.


And … because this is huge (and not from Charlottesville Tomorrow, but from the Free Enterprise Forum):

Ripping of the Rio GSI (Grade Separated Interchange) Bandaid


“This is gonna hurt” — Taking off a Band Aid, you know there will be pain.  There are two diametrically different schools of thought regarding bandage removal: slowly easing it off the wound, or ripping it of swiftly.  The US29/Rio Grade Separated Interchange (GSI) project is clearly the latter of the two.

As it has every night in recent months, at 9 pm on Sunday May 22nd the U.S. 29/Rio Road intersection will close to cross traffic; the difference is this time it will not reopen at 6 am on May 24th.  Vehicles will be allowed to turn right onto Rio and Rio traffic will be allowed to turn right onto U.S. 29 but the cross over will close. On U.S.  29 two southbound lanes and three northbound lanes will be maintained between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m.

All 60,000 yards of dirt and millings will be cleared from the site by June 15, 2016.  To be clear, a fleet of 30 trucks will be going up and down US29 for 20 hours everyday for 23 days.  It will be an intensive, albeit short, clearing period.




More of “what should you read if you’re moving to Charlottesville“?

Thanks, Charlottesville Tomorrow folks.

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