Two Opinions on Growth

The Daily Progress have printed two editorials on growth in the Charlottesville – Albemarle (CharlAlbemarle) region. Take a few minutes to read them both.

First, from Kyle Redinger: Land-use policies often harm those most in need

Next, from Morgan Butler: Albemarle must maximize growth areas, update policies to provide opportunities for all

Managing (not necessarily controlling) growth is critical. How and where and when our community grows is massively important. (bolding mine)

Although affordable housing is a regional challenge with regional opportunities, I will focus primarily on Albemarle County because it is projected by the Virginia Employment Commission ( to add more than twice as much population growth between 2020 and 2040 as all the other localities in the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission combined (Charlottesville, Greene, Fluvanna, Louisa and Nelson).

With this amount of growth, Albemarle must have policies in place that generate more affordable communities while preserving the qualities that make the area so desirable in the first place.

What we do today matters. If we build houses without adding commensurate infrastructure (including bike lanes and sidewalks) or job centers, we are doing every person here a disservice.

CharlAlbemarle is a great place to live; as we grow, we need to maintain that greatness.

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