- “Can I AirBnB this?” is a question a lot more of my clients are asking. Everyone wants to tax AirBnB.
- Here’s how to apply to be taxed at Charlottesville’s site.
- Albemarle County are considering (they will) taxing AirBnb. I wish they would date their documents. Interesting point from a County recommendation in November 2015: “Albemarle County is currently at the statutor y5% cap for Counties; cities do not have a statutory cap in Virginia. A 1% increase is estimated to generate $556,260 per year using FY16 revenues and assuming an increased rate would not change consumer behavior.“
- Related: Virginia Beach to Consider Penalty for Airbnb Rentals That Don’t Pay Lodging Tax — $1000!!
- Charlottesville Tomorrow has a couple must-read articles
- Is manufacturing the future of Albemarle’s economic development?
- Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville need to stop competing with each other for businesses and work together to encourage great businesses to grow and stay, and others to move here. If not, we’re going to find ourselves in a big dilemma
- Related: Suburban Poverty: What the Research Says
- Innovation district will take patience, commitment, buy-in
- This seems like one of those perfect opportunities for the City and County to work together. But they won’t.
- Is manufacturing the future of Albemarle’s economic development?
- Going smart is the home stager’s latest trick
- Smart home tech is already a component of home marketing and selling. “Is the OS on your house updated?” is around the corner. Curious thought – what is the liability if the seller has outdated security, sells the house, and the new owner is hacked and harmed?
- Got an Affordable Housing Crisis? Save the Cheap Housing You Already Have.
- Related – The Future Of American Cities May Be In Our Backyards — more properties and neighborhoods should have Accessory Dwelling Units. And localities should build supporting/sufficient infrastucture for the coming density.
- Also related (from LA) – ‘Granny flats’ left in legal limbo amid City Hall debate
- Interesting at Google
- And this – Nightmare on Main Street
- “WHAT are the most dysfunctional parts of the global financial system? China’s banking industry, you might say, with its great wall of bad debts and state-sponsored cronyism. Or the euro zone’s taped-together single currency, which stretches across 19 different countries, each with its own debts and frail financial firms. Both are worrying. But if sheer size is your yardstick, nothing beats America’s housing market.”
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