Albemarle County High School Academy Open Houses

Albemarle County Schools offer academies at each of the high schools. Any County student is eligible to apply, but if you live outside the district, you are responsible for your own transportation.

I don’t often write this type of story, but this is one of those things on which I find myself educating my incoming buyer clients; many choose which school district to target before they arrive, but don’t consider the academies as they don’t know about them.

If you’re in the Charlottesville – Albemarle area, and want to learn more about these academies, see the open house dates below.

(my opinion: more kids should be taking advantage of CATEC; in many respects, we’re becoming an over-educated country)

(below is taken from the Henley Middle School newsletter)

Please see academy/school websites for more information and upcoming open house dates:

Environmental Science Academy (ESA)-Open House in ESA Building Around the back of WAHS

From 5:30-6:00, students will be available for questions and demonstrations. At 6:00, there will be a presentation on our ESA program by Mr. Mulcahy, ESA director. Lastly, Question and Answer session from 6:30 to 7:00.

Tuesday, November 15 5:30-7:00
Wednesday, December 7  5:30-7:00

Health and Medical Sciences Academy (HMSA) Open House (Monticello High School)

Visit HMSA on Thursday, November 17 between 5 and 6:30.  There will be a formal presentation in the forum at 6 pm.  There will be time to visit the space and answer questions informally in the HMSA space before and after the presentation.  We also welcome you during the MOHS Curriculum Expo.  We will have a table set up in the gym between 6 and 7 pm on Wednesday, December 7.

Math, Engineering and Science Academy (MESA) Open House (Albemarle High School)

MESA will host open house events in both November and December. These events will give students and parents an opportunity to talk to MESA instructors along with students in the program to get a better understanding of the program.

Wednesday, November 9:  5:00-7:00
Thursday, December 8: 5:00-7:00

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