Custom vs Production Homes in Charlottesville

Custom home in Foxchase Landing in Crozet
Custom home in Foxchase Landing in Crozet

I wrote last year about the different experiences when building with different – and different scale and caliber – Charlottesville builders.

Two quick recent examples that detail the difference between building with production (larger scale) builders and smaller, custom home builders:

Example One

I have a guy with a mobile sawmill. He can rough saw solid pieces of Oak, Cherry or  Walnut.

I would suggest we get a chunk of wood that is 10 inches x 5 inches x about 7 feet for the mantel. I can then get it belt sanded and stain and poly before it’s  installed

Which of the three types of wood do you want?”

Example Two

“We didn’t have to do this but we did.” I don’t remember what “this” was, but I remember being there with my buyer clients and the builder, and what a great conversation this was.

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