Charlottesville Tomorrow Roundup

Charlottesville Tomorrow put out a lot of good, useful, relevant stories – relevant to me, as I live here, and relevant to how I practice real estate (as in, I need to know more than my clients!)

What I’ve read via the Charlottesville Tomorrow RSS Feed

A few stories from Charlottesville Tomorrow over the past few weeks

From 2015: Support Boring Local Media

As an aside, this is my comment from a recent FB discussion

I think it’s good advice to consider the source of anything and everything.

I give to Charlottesville Tomorrow every year because it’s the best damn source of information in our region about stuff that matters to me as someone who lives and loves here, *and* so that I know better so as to represent my clients (I’m a Realtor who is pro- great place to live, with healthy growth and economic development.

*And* their archives are there, are searchable, and I can refer to them years later.

I actually have a post going up later today that highlights some of the more relevant (to me/clients) stories, because the information isn’t available anywhere else.

The Charlottesville Tomorrow folks go to meetings that almost none of us do, and until I start attending 1/100th of the public meetings that they do, I’ll continue to donate, because 1) they provide immense value and 2) no one else is reporting as they do.

And … regarding the “Who’s at the table” conversation … Usually, not too many.

And … let’s not forget about Cvillepedia!



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