October Note | Stories, Market, Rates, Cutting Losses

Amazingly, 2018 is winding down.

If you’re curious about the Charlottesville real estate market, like sometimes tangential stories about real estate, or are one of my current or past clients, you might appreciate one email a month. Subscribe here.

This month

  • Quick Charlottesville real estate market update (short story: it’s changing)
  • Telling stories
  • Assistance Found
  • Cutting Losses
  • Interest Rates are Rising
  • What I’m reading
  • RealCentralVA & RealCrozetVA roundup


  • This note is for real estate consumers, those with an interest in the market, but explicitly not for real estate folks (lenders, realtors, etc.); I see enough of you. 🙂
  • Please, please, please, if you don’t find value in the note, unsubscribe.

Really, subscribe here.

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