December 2018 Monthly Note | Community, Connections, Wrapping 2018

I write this note once a month. It’s fun, hard, and it’s usually the best stuff I write every month. Subscribe here. One email a month. Easy.

This might be a good one.

  • Wrapping 2018.
  • That mistake I made
  • 1st offer = Best offer
  • Deep connections
  • Social media warning for buyers (and sellers)
  • Community & humanity, Part 1
  • What I’m reading
  • Blogs round up

Reminder about my audience. Buyers and sellers, past, present, future. Folks who are curious about the market. People who are interested in what I write, but don’t want to subscribe to the blogs.

Who this is not for – realtors, lenders, real estate people. Yes. I look at who subscribes, and yes, I’ve removed some of you.


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