Blog Update – Still Here

I’m still here. Read, email, call434-242-7140. Subscribe to my monthly note.

RealCentralVA isn’t going anywhere, but I am writing here less, and focusing on clients and my monthly note more. So here we are.

Why This Post?

I felt like I’ve been neglecting writing here, wanted to acknowledge that, and remind readers (and myself) that this blog will never disappear, it’s just evolving.

Everything I write (except for tweets @JimDuncan & @RealCrozetVA) will live here at RealCentralVA. The blog landscape has changed, obviously, and I put out a lot of content. The focus for 2019 is going to be at the monthly note.


tl;dr: I’m still here, and the blog is too.

An example of how I use the archives

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