Note from Jim – December 2020 – Please Subscribe

I’m not going to promise that this note will be transformative. Or that you’re going to make a great real estate decision based on what you read in this note. But I will offer that you might laugh, shake your head at some of the stories I relate, find insight in some of the real estate analysis I provide.

What I really hope is that you enjoy the note, learn something, ask (me) better questions about your specific real estate needs or wants, and then, maybe, after a few years (yes, really), come to me when you’re ready to have a conversation about buying or selling a home in the Charlottesville area. If you do, great. If not, maybe share the note with your friends. We all need something interesting to read.

Who is the audience for this note?

You. I write this note to non-real estate people, although I see that there are several who subscribe. I might cull them for 2021.

I start this note every month as if I’m writing a note to one person. Maybe two, and I hope that comes through.

If you have questions, please ask. If you like it, please share. If you have suggestions, I’m open.

A note: I’m not going to stop blogging, nor will RealCentralVA be going away. I’ve been writing here for nearly 16 years, and this blog and its archives are enormously valuable to my clients (and to me). As are the archives of this monthly note, which also live here.

Why move to Substack

Substack is all the rage right now, for a lot of reasons. Tinyletter seems to have run its course, and that’s a shame; it was (and is) a great service.

“Several other newsletter platforms existed at this point, but Tinyletter’s appeal lay in its barebones simplicity. It looked like a blog CMS, had a very basic design, and featured none of the fancy bells and whistles found on other services aimed at more sophisticated email marketers. You couldn’t segment lists, A/B test subject lines, or schedule drip campaigns. You just typed your words into a box and hit send.”

The simplicity of Tinyletter was the beauty, and why I loved it. They lost their focus, and that’s fine. So, we move on.

The best news for me, and this note: while it’s a new platform for you and me, the domain name,, is easy to point to my new Substack. Easy peasy.

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