Great Real Estate Data is NOT Great Real Estate Information

I post market reports here on the blog, tweet market statistics, write about the market in my monthly note (please subscribe if you’re curious!), but a lot of that is just data, not actionable information.

The market data you see in the top level headlines are guideposts on the way to figuring out what’s happening in the Charlottesville – Albemarle real estate market.

Since the first post here in 2005 (which was admittedly terrible), my goal has been to provide real estate market context so that you my clients can learn something hopefully, and learn better questions to ask so that you can make good real estate decisions.

Two Questions My Clients Ask

  • Should I/can I sell my house right now?
    • Or in six months, or a year, or whatever is the right time?
  • Should I/can I buy a house right now?
    • Or in six months, or a year, or whatever is the right time?

An awful lot goes into helping my clients figure out those answers.

One example is – how many homes will come on the market in Charlottesville  or Albemarle that fit what I’m looking for? It might seem like a lot when the true answer is only a few houses may fit

Answers Come from Questions

If you have a question about the market, a neighborhood, whether the Charlottesville comprehensive plan will affect your market value, or if UVA’s new Data Science Center on Emmet Street will be good or bad for your property value, or if the train runs frequently, or, or, or …

A lot goes into deciding whether to buy or sell a house in Charlottesville  or Albemarle.

Ask me anytime – or 434-242-7140.


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