Quick Charlottesville Market Stats – 9 October 2023

With respect to today’s Charlottesville real estate market, 2022 is irrelevant. First and second quarter 2023 are equally irrelevant. What matters is what is happening right now.

With that, a few stats that I’m putting out, with the question — what real estate market stats are you curious about?

For this post, I’m looking only at Charlottesville + Albemarle.

  • In 2013, there were 1,942 homes sold; 477 (24.56%) were marked as cash in the MLS.
  • From January to June 2023, 1,101 homes have sold; 344 (31.22%) were cash. From 1 July to 8 October – 532 & 177 – 32.33%.
  • For just June – July – August
  • 2023 – 508 sold
    • Average price: $646,116
    • Median price: $510,498
    • Average days on market: 25
    • Number of New Construction: 135 (26.57%)
  • 2022 – 668 sold
    • Average price: $ $568,362
    • Median price: $455,000
    • Average days on market: 18
    • Number of New Construction: 111 (16.61%)

Short summary:

Not much has changed in the past few months.

Here’s to more inventory in 2024.

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