A Year of Monthly Notes – 2018

As I tend to say, some of my best stuff is delivered in my monthly note. Subscribe here. The audience for these notes is the real estate consumer, current and past clients, and I write what interests me, makes me curious, and this tends to translate well for the readers.

I send the notes out once a month, usually by the 2nd week of the month. They are subscription-only, but post them here a couple weeks after publishing, as I own this site, the content, and this is far more searchable.


  1. December – Humanity, Offers, and a Wrap
  2. November – Perspective, Predictions, Wedding or a House? 
  3. October – Telling Stories, Market Shift, Assistance
  4. September – No Garages = More Friends, the Market, Impactful Learning
  5. August – Values, Fair Housing, Talking to People
  6. July – As the Market Turns, Waiting Tables, and Bleach!
  7. June – Ignorance, Ownership, Market and More
  8. I don’t know … something happened with these notes. Very confusing.
  9. April – Kindness, the Market, and Stories for New Buyers 
  10. March – Railroads, Appraisals, Offers, Blogs
  11. February – Black Panther, Planning Ahead, Market Dynamics
  12. January – Charlottesville Market, City Council, Self-Care, Pivideo

One thing I learned when doing this post – I need to be more aware of titling the notes, so that it’s easier for me to go back and find them. Learn something new every day.

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