Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Note from a Reader – Access to Subdivisions

Jim: One thing I looked at when comparing properties was if the subdivision had more than one access; I was surprised at how many were dependent on one way in/out. … This isn’t something I’ve ever thought about, but in light of the snowpocalypse, it’s a pretty good idea. One thing I do tell my clients relocating to the Charlottesville area from other regions is this – when considering the “sub regions” within Charlottesville and Albemarle , consider this – Crozet is the only area with two major roads – 250 and 64 – accessing it. Think about it – 29 North – has 29 Pantops – has 250 and 64, but they converge about a mile too early.

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Thank you Charlottesville Media – Snowpocalypse

Thank you to: CBS19 – Twitter NBC29 – Twitter If you’re looking for closings, the above two are probably the best places to go. Daily Progress – Twitter . The HooK – Twitter C-Ville cvillenews – Twitter VDOT – – Traffic cameras of interstates and other roads I assume WINA radio was on top of their game too, but I don’t listen to radio at home.

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Tweets about Charlottesville – Snowpocalypse and more

I upgraded and now get a php error when trying to upgrade the db. 🙂 1st time in years I’ve had a problem in reply to briantercero #

…By 7, everyone should be home and then I’ll try for a Blue Mountain run. # beer in reply to joshcvt #

… RT @DailyProgress: @ JimDuncan Seems the problem is worse/larger than first thought. [Could they be more incompetent?]

… The consensus on the snow this weekend in Charlottesville – no one really knows how much snow we’ll get.

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Charlottesville Blizzard 2009 – Snowpocalypse

From my experience driving in Crozet tonight, people don’t realize: 1) Stopping and/or going fast in slick conditions is bad.

…We’re now about 6″ into 10-14″ for tonight with another 11-14″ expected tomorrow. CBS19 Weather said (at 21:34:) 10″ of snow reported at the Lake Monticello area in Fluvanna. – Brantley

briandickert said: 7″ of snow so far in Afton (1400′) and still falling fast.

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Thursday Links – 17 December 2009

It is an absolute must-read for an opinionated and blunt analysis of how and why AT&T sucks, the iPhone is great and America is on the decline.

…My point here is this; one of the great strengths each one of us has as real estate investors is that we have the ability to move very quickly. When the market or some part of it either shifts or is redirected by Government action we are able to quickly shift with it, make the needed adjustments and continue reaping our profits.

…But when it comes to this economy right now — an economy fundamentally out of balance — we need a federal government that moves boldly and swiftly to counter-balance the huge recessionary forces still at large.

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