Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Last Week on Jim’s Posterous

Rather than bore you with a full summary of my time on posterous, here are a few of the stories I noted/wrote there last week – Rethink the Season of Giving Postal workers say facility closure would slow mail service | Charlottesville Daily Progress Well *this* bodes well for health care reform Decentralized Design Hubs and Work Centers – Kinda like @GetOpenSpace #cityideas @good How do you define “investment”? Found an Interesting Report in our MLS today

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Mill Creek Embezzler?

As I tell my clients – if a buyer gets the packet four days prior to closing, sneezes three times and deems that to be a bad omen, she can cancel the contract, ostensibly based on the homeowner’s packet.

…If the PROPERTY is within such a development and PURCHASER is buying the PROPERTY for own residence, the Act requires SELLER to obtain from the Property Owners’ Association an association disclosure packet and provide it to the PURCHASER. … PURCHASER may cancel this Contract (i) within three (3) days after the date of the Contract: (ii) three days after receiving the association disclosure packet or being notified that the association disclosure packet will not be available, if the packet or such notice is hand delivered or delivered with the consent of the PURCHASER by electronic means and a receipt obtained; or (iii) within six (6) days after postmark date if the packet or notice that the packet will not be available is sent to PURCHASER by United State mail. PURCHASER may cancel this Contract at any time prior to settlement if PURCHASER has not received the association disclosure packet or notice that the packet will not be available.

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Charlottesville is a Small Town

My dad was and is a commercial real estate broker there; I remember when I was a kid Dad would joke with me – and say, “they know who I am …” and very single time, they did. … Charlottesville is much the same way – we’ve grown since I was a kid, but we’re a very small town, made smaller by social media and our collective desire to communicate and interact. We’ve always lived by small town rules; building a real estate business has always been about small town rules. This new world allows for small town rules to integrate and interact with social media rules – and the overlap between the two is tremendous. – Reputation matters. – The Golden Rule, while not often explicitly acknowledged, is practiced more often than not. – Giving back counts. – Seeing people is easy; knowing people takes work.

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Hotels in Charlottesville – Courtesy of Hotelicopter

Now this is an interesting little widget from the folks at hotelicopter . … I’d like to pick the specific ones I recommend and display that widget. … I’m still working on I’ll use this, but I have a few ideas …

var hotelicopter_js_host = ‘’; document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + hotelicopter_js_host + “init.js’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”)); try { var hotelicopter_hotel_list = hotelicopter.getWidget(“6058e910-b6a4-012c-d928-00188be6b7a6 “); var hotelicopter_filters = new Array(); hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[location_id]’] = ‘33033’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[hotel_id]’] = ”; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[star_rating_high]’] = ‘5’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[star_rating_low]’] = ‘3’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[star_rating_all]’] = ‘false’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[price_all]’] = ‘true’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[price_high]’] = ‘233.0’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[price_low]’] = ‘58.0’; hotelicopter_filters[‘widget[num_hotels]’] = ’10’; hotelicopter_hotel_list._display(hotelicopter_filters); } catch(err) {} To view these hotels from hotelicopter , you must enable JavaScript in your browser.

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NGIC and DIA – Who’s Moving Here?

Last Wednesday (11/4), the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors received a briefing titled “Survey of DIA Personnel Moving to Rivanna Station”. The survey, conducted by the Center For Regional Economic Competitiveness , a non-profit research organization affiliated with George Mason University , provides interesting analysis of the jobs (and some of the individuals) who will be relocating to the expanded Rivanna Station in Albemarle County. … The first question most folks were interested in are how many of the current employees are going to relocate when their jobs move to Rivanna Station. It is important to note this does not mean they will be moving the residence. 39% of those surveyed indicated they would be Definitely Moving, while an additional 9% indicated they would probably be moving.

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