Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Speaking at National Association of Realtors Convention in San Diego

As with every conference I attend, I go with a couple goals: 1 – What can I learn that will help my clients ? … 3 – What can I learn that will position me ahead of my competition? – Note that my competition consists of more than Charlottesville Realtors – it’s consumers as well. Consumers are far more tuned in and in touch that ever before, and I have to work that much harder to stay ahead of them. … Here is a preview of my work-in-progress part of the panel: Update 14 November : This is the presentation I gave yesterday.

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Zipcars in Charlottesville

You might have seen the occasional Zipcar in Charlottesville – usually they’re from the DC Metropolitan area. … It was good of UVA to have sorted out a deal with Zipcar; the Daily Progress article says the minimum age to rent is 18 and Zipcar’s site says it’s 21 .

…Representatives from Zipcar, a rental car service, and officials from the University’s Department of Parking and Transportation currently are communicating on a plan to bring Zipcar to the University.

Lamentably, being a Realtor in Charlottesville does not (yet) allow itself for a Zipcar + bicycle only existence.

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Proof There is a Market for Recycling in Charlottesville (and Albemarle)

Individual trash stickers for 13-gallon and 32-gallon trash bags are available in the City Hall Lobby and at many convenience and grocery stores in the Charlottesville area.

…The green trash cans are provided by the firm that provides curbside recycling ; blue by the one who doesn’t. 90 days ago, these cans were all blue.

… Then read about the absurd lawsuit by the local government mob waste authority trying to put the kibosh on the company that provides the destination for curbside, un-sorted recycling. … ** I’d think a paid journalist might want to follow up on this story; talk to trash companies and ask what they’ve seen since they’ve started offering curbside recycling and ask the ones that don’t why they don’t follow.

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