Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Blog Wayback – What is a Buyer’s Broker?

My thinking is: I am going to find you the highest quality property that meets your needs for the lowest possible price, and do it in a way that makes this transaction a positive experience for you that you will refer my services to all of your friends and family when they need to satisfy their real estate needs. (I have referred to this in the past as Raving Fan service – JD) As a buyer you should be especially vigilant that your buyer broker is really out there to assist you, and is not just trying to make another sale.

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