Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Top 10 Charlottesville Bars

Having recently listed Charlottesville’s Top 10 Best Restaurants, we realized that bars probably will be even more hotly contested topic du jour. … They are in no particular order and you can read about them after the break… Having a good bar is like a good coffee shop … one day I’m hoping a good bar will open in Crozet …

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Must Read Advice from Kris Berg

Sure, you can make a beeline to the “Neighborhood Specialist,” but we are all neighborhood specialists if you believe the bus benches, the shopping carts, and the leaflets in the flowering shrubs outside your front door. You could just pick the one with the most attractive glamour shot on their yard sign, but then Steve and I would be living out of your guest room or selling our kidneys while the really pretty agents represented you in your transaction.

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First Quarter Market Report for Charlottesville and Albemarle

Days on Market : Of the 1927 residential properties on the market in Central Virginia: – 584 have continuous days on market (CDOM) of less than 30 days. – 890 have CDOM of less than 60 – 1126 have CDOM of less than 90 – 1143 have CDOM of at least 180 days – 458 have CDOM of at least 365 days – 78 have CDOM of at least 730 days (I’m posting this just because I was curious, so I thought you might be, too) Answering Joe’s question from my request for “what do you want to know ” (thanks to the CAAR report):- Price Per Squar foot Regarding price reductions – I’m working on a way to display the sold data, but in the meantime, know this – properties that have significant (meaning at least 10%) seem to be going to contract fairly quickly.

… In Cville all categories: 1st QTR 2008 145 Contracts (54% under $300k) 1st QTR 2009 87 Contracts (71% under $300k) In ALB/CVILLE/FLU/GRN 1st QTR 2008 554 Contracts (54% under $300k) 1st QTR 2009 452 Contracts (71% under $300k) I’m no rocket scientist but I think this means when we come back and look at the CAAR report again end of 2nd QTR, median prices are going to move some more.

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