Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

You’re Going about It all Wrong – Or How to Search for Homes in Charlottesville (Without a Realtor)

Look at picture to see how different the home looked a few years back (pics usually taken in 2002 or 2003). ( ed note: this leads to a separate rant about Realtors stripping the MLS of photos of their listings when the listing expires/sells – this kills the accuracy and historical context of the MLS )e. … For example: Grove St. plus Charlottesville clued me into the Grove Square development (which I was unaware of because I’m new to C’ville). (ed note: don’t forget to visit Charlottesville Tomorrow for the most in-depth reporting on growth, development and politics in Charlottesville/Albemarle) 5.

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Learning About Short Sales

Our local Realtor Association is holding a lunch tomorrow on short sales , which are becoming more and more of an issue in the Charlottesville market. … 2) This will be yet another confirmation that it is clearly easier to complain about short sales (and anything else, really) rather than learn how to deal with them.

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OpenSpace Co-Working in Charlottesville

For starters, it is going to be a place where I (others, too, but I’m really looking forward to this space) will be able to rent time to work in an aesthetically pleasing, architecturally designed professional workspace populated by fellow creative professionals, many of whom I suspect will either be fellow entrepreneurs or telecommuters who live in Charlottesville and work in other parts of the country or world.

…Sometimes, this homespace has an office, sometimes not … for those who choose to relocate to the Charlottesville area and keep their existing jobs, OpenSpace may provide a perfect solution – a professional workspace for those who need “out of the house” time but who want to keep their home offices.

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Bloggers and Their Rights

Bloggers deserve protected free speech too, and it looks like Waldo Jaquith , with the help of the VA ACLU , Thomas Jefferson Center for Protection of Free Expression , and Public Citizen , is set to prove that fact (again). The time will come I suspect when a real estate blogger is going to be placed in a similar situation, whether it’s a freedom of speech issue or a journalism -vs- advertising suit.

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