Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Stupid Real Estate Questions

Transcription: As I tell my customers and clients, it’s not a stupid question in that you’re in a stupid mindset, but it’s a stupid question in that there are no such things as dumb questions, just the ones you don’t ask. A lot of what I do is complicated, it’s complex and it’s very intricate in details and it seems really simple to me because I do this everyday. … So that’s my thought process for this site, stupid real estate questions is I want to answer the questions that my clients have frequently, the ones that almost every single one of them asks, I want to be able to put in one place so that they can go and find these answers because a lot of them will ask: – Should I get an attorney or a title company? – Should I get a home inspection? … And these are questions that happen every single day, so I want to help and educate and put them all in one place.

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Charlottesville Twitter Week in Review

@ TessOrtega I repeat my call for canceling this week, school during Spring Break and the first 3 weeks of June. in reply to TessOrtega #

… Really, really wish I’d written an article about # RTB radio for @ agentgenius Will do so next week.

… @ amywebb I like my idea of closing this week, canceling Spring Break and having school throughout June in reply to amywebb #

… @ ProfessionalOne Something will come of it when we have infiltrated NAR leadership. & by that time I’m concerned that “we” won’t care in reply to ProfessionalOne #

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Charlottesville Twitter Updates for Week Ending 7 February

RT @ TobyBoyce : I don’t care if you are fighting with your wife or other real estate agents. [fixed the “agents”] #

… RT @ DRPnet : I’m proposing a snow plan for schools-buses only run on main corridors & parents have to get kids to snow bus stops or 2 school.

… VDOT says “Any story that we are “expecting” 40-50 inches of snow is incorrect.” – But when will we have school again?

… Hey @ 511northwestva All the rumors I hear of snow coming in excess of 20 inches start with “VDOT says ..” – how much snow are you expecting?

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Charlottesville Twitter Week in Review

Summary of the Q & A before I left Crozet mtg:”we don’t like undefined change and we don’t trust government, so what are we supposed to do”?

… @ BLarsonMpls I’m waiting to hear what they say before I pass judgment, but they really should be out in front of this … the… http://post #

… @ JBern @lostangel I’m finding that those who have time & $ to move real estate industry have little incentive to do so. in reply to JBern #

… @ kvbuckley It’s not a matter of how professional other agents are; it’s a matter of making *everyone* more professional # RTB in reply to kvbuckley #

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