Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Design and Context Matter

I see print as irrelevant for marketing houses, but relevant for branding – branding me as a professional, my company, my profession all of which constitute my brand. … This one, too, shakes everything up – The invention of printing did away with anonymity, fostering ideas of literary FAME and and the habit of considering intellectual effort as private property.

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Fifteen Thousand Dollars

The effect of this bill/amendment/law/stimulus/thing will be a matter of perception – perception by buyers as to whether they just gained $15k and be sellers as to whether they should hold out for a higher price because the buyers now have $15k more. Two of the best posts I have seen (please feel free to point out others) – Jay in Phoenix If the bill passes both the House and Senate, and is signed into law by the President (which is expected, currently.

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Is There Radon in Charlottesville?

This is what I tell my clients – a radon mitigation system accomplishes at least three things – 1) Provides peace of mind – for homeowners and buyers 2) Can be an asset when you sell your home – it’s one less potential objection from the buyers 3) It provides for a safer environment in which to live. … Results of short-term tests represent the radon potential of the home, rather than the actual exposure encountered under normal living conditions, unless residents keep the home’s windows and doors closed year-round.

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Possibly Completely Unfounded Market Analysis

Ergo – is it reasonable to conclude that a house that has been on the market in Albemarle County (I’m not looking at any other market) for at least one year should now be “worth” at least 15% less than its original asking price? Looking at three randomly selected sold properties in Albemarle County in that price range in the past three months, the list-to sell percentage was a bit more stark – 85%, 75%,74% – sold for less than the original asking price.

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