Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Billable Hours, Straight Commission, Hybrid or Both?

One giant stipulation for this somewhat hypothetical discussion is this – in this make-believe world of fairies and unicorns, the buyer pays the buyer’s agent and the seller pays the seller’s agent – in other words, we have succeeded in rending total control of the buyers’ agents’ compensation from the seller and the sellers’ agents. ( hint : we’ve divorced the commissions ). … And when the agents representing the buyers have nothing to give away but conversely have to place a price on their services and actually charge their clients directly, the associated accountability will only benefit the buyer… So let’s assume that the buyer is willing to pay her buyer’s agent .

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No More Real Estate Signs in the Median?

Any such advertisements are illegal in the highway right of way and are the focus of this enforcement effort, which was initiated by the County Board of Supervisors to improve safety and aesthetics along entrance corridors like Route 29 and Route 250. … County staff are focusing on this illegal sign issue at the request of the Board of Supervisors, who are concerned about the traffic safety impacts of signs that distract drivers and block sight lines and who find the signs to be visual clutter than detracts from the appearance of the roadways.

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A Thought on Anonymous Comments

I can see the IP addresses of visitors and can track who’s saying what, but the readers can’t. (but there’s a plugin for that ) 🙂 ( see Waldo’s history with anonymous comments – particularly the cited cartoon , which gratefully, I’ve never had a problem with). So … rather than say “no anonymous comments,” here is my compromise request – Please pick a handle and stick with it – I don’t care what it is, just please be consistent.

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Undersestimating the Demand For Recycling?

Pat yourself on the back because you ensured that hazardous waste and materials used in electronics (the list is long and varied: cadmium, lead, mercury, flame retardants, PCB, PVC, glues) will go to its proper burial place or find new life. Crutchfield and their recycling provider will drive the e-tons (Can’t wait to get the numbers on this one) to New Jersey to be refurbished, repaired, or dismantled for reuse, and the rest; well, this Betty doesn’t want to think about that one.

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Real Estate Brokers can Stop Learning After 15 Years

The Board shall waive the broker education requirement for any applicant for a brokers license who has, for more than 15 years, owned a real estate brokerage firm and during that time, maintained an active license as a real estate salesperson. … If time allowed I’d go to the General Assembly and wander the hallways making inquiries of those who have already voted for this bill and lobby those in the House who have yet to vote.

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Albemarle County Schools Closed Today

Note that the City of Charlottesville is a completely separate school system – despite perennial discussions about merging the school systems – and they (as of the time of this posting) remain on a two hour delay. … To go to school before Labor Day, you have to meet the conditions of a convoluted formula: A school division must have missed a total of 40 days of school in five of the past 10 years.

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