Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Buyers’ Recourse if Builder goes Bankrupt

Now, Brant Meyer at CvilleDevelopment has further insight into this matter (read the whole thing) : You mentioned previously, that the developer’s lender would have a specific agreement in terms of completion of infrastructure. … It seems typical for developments to involve a intentional layer of liability protection where one LLC might be the land owner, and another will be the development company doing the work on a fee basis.

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Why Aren’t You Buying RIGHT NOW? Part 1

Just be prepared to stay in the hosue (sic) for awhile, maybe even a long while Simple top-level mortgage math, excluding Taxes and Insurance and including Principal and Interest – (and assuming 100% financing for simplicity’s sake – not something I advise) – If the house you want today is $300,000, assuming you get a 5% interest rate* – Mortgage Calculator -- - Mozilla Firefox 3.1 Beta 2-3.jpg Now, if rates go up later in the year – Mortgage payments for a $225k home And think about this subsequent comment – Yes, let’s encourage everyone to wait for the bottom. … This way the companies who maintain nice neighborhoods are out of business, HOA are crap, sidewalks and streets in those neighborhoods fall apart with only banks to maintain them (HA-HA – yeah right…..) and the quality of life in Charlottesville will have gone way, way down for all.

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Albemarle County Assessments are on the Horizon

2) Assessment that is, by code, supposed to be 100% of market value – this is, and has been, with regards to true market value, irrelevant, as it is not a up-to-date as a market analysis reflecting current market value, as they are done once yearly.

…Tax rates, on the other hand, can be changed according to a local government’s needs and wishes but, ultimately, it is the prerogative of the local elected body – the Board of Supervisors, in the case of Albemarle County – to decide at what level to set the tax rate.

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Free Range Neighborhoods – Designing Everyday Natural Places to Motivate Outdoor Play in a Risk Averse Society

Rich will provide an overview of what is happening across the country in public park and recreation agencies, and share his perspective of what the challenges-and the potential–for public parks in connecting kids to nature Tim Beatley Timothy Beatley is Teresa Heinz Professor of Sustainable Communities, in the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning, School of Architecture at the University of Virginia, where he has taught for the last eighteen years. Biophilic Cities: Strategies for Re-inviting Nature into Our Lives and Communities Beatley will describe steps communities and cities can take to re-integrate and rediscover the nature in and around them, and to create conditions where adults and children alike have daily contact with outdoor nature.

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