Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Are You Paying Attention to the General Assembly?

Permits the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County to impose an additional sales and use tax at a rate not exceeding one percent, provided that all revenue generated from the additional tax is used solely for transit or other transportation projects. … The Authority shall prepare a regional transit plan for all or portions of those areas located within the City of Charlottesville and all or such portions of the Counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson as their governing bodies desire to have covered, to include, but not necessarily be limited to, transit improvements of regional significance.

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They Didn’t Move to Charlottesville, but They Sent me This

After much discussion, we agree that although Charlottesville city and Crozet are beautiful and have many attractions, in the end we didn’t have that ‘ah-ha’ moment that made us feel it could be our home.

…The 360 degree view you were able to give us on Charlottesville’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the way you could really zero in on what mattered to us, was impressive.

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If Can Do It, Can’t I?

Just curious – If is displaying sold data (data apparently not available in Charlottesville – yet, bolding mine) With some areas experiencing a 25 to 39 percent decrease in home prices in the third quarter, buyers need to remain competitive in potential bidding wars. Using ®, the #1 homes for sale Web site, buyers can track price changes on homes of interest, monitor actual sales data on nearby homes within 24 hours of a sale , and get the latest photos and video tours of thousands of Southern California properties.

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The Slums of Tomorrow Might Be here Today

Last year the Atlantic published an article questioning whether the fringe communities – the suburbs – would become the next slums. (great discussion at Bacon’s Rebellion ) But much of the future decline is likely to occur on the fringes, in towns far away from the central city, not served by rail transit, and lacking any real core. … The environment, of course, will also benefit: if New York City were its own state, it would be the most energy-efficient state in the union; most Manhattanites not only walk or take public transit to get around, they unintentionally share heat with their upstairs neighbors.

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Server Maintenance Tomorrow Night

Courtesy of Bluehost : The server is hosted on will be undergoing a hardware upgrade at approximately 11PM MST Monday January 12th We expect the downtime for the account to be 1-2 hours, but could be completed long before that window. … In spite of my occasional complaints about Bluehost, they’re better at what they do than I could be, and they saved my butt – big time – last year .

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