Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Charlottesville Foreclosures Study sheds Light on a Surprisingly Hidden Market

From my position as a Buyer-Broker , my advice to my buyers would be – be well qualified and prepared to buy and consider targeting these neighborhoods; they are all very well located with great respective proximities to the University of Virginia Grounds and/or the Downtown Mall – the two major economic hubs of Charlottesville.

…Extent of Crisis, Virginia: The Center for Responsible Lending predicted that 62,174 homes will be foreclosed upon in 2008 and 2009 in the state of Virginia.38 In June 2008, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association, for the foreclosures in the state of Virginia, 54% of them are on subprime and Alt-A loans—“non-traditional” loans while 26% of the foreclosures are on prime and government ARMs and the remaining 20% are on government and prime fixed rate loans.39 In other words, approximately 80% of the foreclosures in Virginia are by higher risk borrowers—subprime lenders and/or ARMs.

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Four Years of Blogging at RealCentralVA – And No End in Sight

The impact that real estate blogging has had on the real estate (and the impact yet to be effected) industry is remarkable and incalculable. Trending of real estate blogs in Google Over the past four years, I’ve written a lot – at Bloodhound Blog , currently write at Agent Genius , RealCrozetVA since September 2005 , recently started RealWaynesboroVA … and have more ideas than time for what I have yet to even begin to accomplish in the blogging space. … Thanks to the Internet Archive (which doesn’t seem to be archiving anymore) – here’s a brief look back at four years of blogging – Believe it or not, my original blog is still up and hosted on my dot mac account ; running on the iblog blogging platform – Early 2005 Central VA real estate news, trends, opinions and more - Mozilla Firefox 3.1 Beta 2.jpg Lessons learned – 1) Don’t do that.

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Hiatus Over – Wrapping up 2008

– I’m looking to find a good Realtor to share the management of RealWaynesboroVA – a third blog is just a bit too much work, and to be truly successful, I need more content and time dedicated to building that site. … – A focus here and on RealCrozetVA will be on the community – building, maintaining, helping … this year is one where community is going to play a much stronger role than it has in the past decade.

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Lowball Offers Aren’t Insulting

Lowball offers are indicative of several things –

1) Buyers’ lack of confidence in the market

2) Buyer’s attempts to price in anticipated declines in the market

3) A possible indication that sellers’ have unrealistic price expectations.

4) Fear – on the part of buyers (buying something that will be worth less tomorrow) and on the part of the sellers (fear that they won’t be able to pay off the mortgage with the proceeds from the sale).

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