Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

I Heart Woot

Or will we bring on a quick recovery by doing patriotic things like buying stuff we can’t afford and spending more money than we make?

…Save until maybe, like, mid-February or so, when the market will be a-glut with great deals for the taking every day.

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Charlottesville Builders – Local is Good (and Bad)

This isn’t an ode to Church Hill (but they are the largest local ones to go so far, so naturally they are on the top of everyone’s minds) or any other builder – but a focus on the benefits of ” local .” … For many years, Charlottesville has been an area that offered many home and community choices in the form of many small to medium privately owned home builders and developers.

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A Few Infrastructure Discussions worth Paying Attention To

6/2008 For the most possible context – Charlottesville Tomorrow’s Meadowcreek Parkway category – The Infrastructure we Want – Daniel Nairn After reading upwards of 100 comments, I found only one person in favor of funding new roads. … – MPO continues review of future transportation projects; Supports road widening and overpasses on US 29 Three members of the MPO Policy Board were present at the group’s meeting on November 24, 2008.

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Telling a Story of a House

Luxury homes require advanced Mad Libs: employ the words “the” and “at,” and for maximum pretentiousness add an “e” to the word at the end of the name, to give it an Olde English feele: a moniker like “The Heights at Meadow Creeke,” for example, would have ignited frantic bidding wars in the early 2000s. … * Yes, I know that I’m treading the line of my long-held belief against blogging about my listings, but this is one of those rare occasions where a post transcends “hey!

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