Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Why Aren’t 100% of the listings in IDX?

An off-line comment in response to this post on Agent Genius sums up the argument against excluding listings from IDX very well: This is a great comment from you “isn’t IDX use saturated enough where a listing agent may have to disclose to the seller that the listing won’t be sent through IDX? … and it should be expounded on, if a copyright term is used so often that the copyright is longer valid then the point is made here; if placing a listing onto IDX is the norm then the disclosure should be that it will not appear not the other way around GREAT point.

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Foreclosures in Charlottesville Greater than Previously Known/Acknowledged

There’s a fascinating story in today’s Cavalier Daily that brings to light what has previously been discussed here on RealCentralVA – but this time with more data substantiating their claims: “Obviously you see the headlines of [areas] that have drastic numbers of foreclosures,” Lovelady said, noting that it is “easy to think of Charlottesville as isolated from this.” … “The good news is that the number of ARMs and subprime loans originating is decreasing, but many of them are soon to reset ,” Bridger said. ( bolding mine ) As noted in June 2008 – We may not have seen the worst of what this cycle has to offer.

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Magnifying the Little Guy’s Voice

Found via Alltop – Advice To Any Attorney Contemplating Filing A Suite Against A Blogger Yes, if there is a clear libel or defamation (hopefully supported by bulletproof evidence), you should probably do what you do the best- be a good attorney and protect your client. … And they tend to stick together by writing about you and your client hundreds of posts scrutinizing your clients business and even founding defense funds to help the blogger in trouble. ( ed. note: bolding mine ) For a great example of what a relatively small group of real estate bloggers feel about their rights being trampled on, see what they think about Todd Kaufman, the Loudoun County Assessor (who was in the news again recently ).

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What’s a Beme?

Here’s the thing – more now than ever before, the brand that matters most to the real estate consumer is the value added by the individual Realtor, not the brand. (and I’ll bet I could back this up with statistics if I had the resources to pull off a survey) Of particular note regarding the current fragmentation of the real estate listings universe – (bolding mine) From silos to simultaneity . … Read more about silos and how the concept relates to MLS’ at Michael Wurzer’s FlexMLS blog, where he says , “NAR could create a non-profit that could be the ICANN for property IDs, and that would be valuable for tying together the efforts of those publishing real estate info on the web.

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