Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

David Slutzky to Challenge Rob Bell?

Slutzky’s possible challenge is transportation and taxes, specifically the proposed regional sales tax to fund transportation: Charlottesville and Albemarle County want the approval of the General Assembly to form a regional transit authority, as well as permission to raise an as-yet-to-be-determined tax to pay for transportation projects and transit initiatives. … At a meeting in late October, Slutzky suggested that he would throw down the gauntlet if Bell opts not to support the referendum, which Slutzky said would let the residents of Charlottesville and Albemarle County make their own decision about taxes for transportation.

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What Makes a Great Hyper-Local Blog

It’s a shame that he’s ” throwing in the towel ” because the comments speak to the value that his site has brought to his community, but it’s good that the site will continue. … Two Three Four points (just read the whole thing) with which I particularly agree, and if I could copy and paste his entire post, I would, because each one is poignant.

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A New Way to Search for Homes In Charlottesville

Coming in the next week or two, I’ll be announcing a new way to search that incorporates many of my wants – first and foremost – – RSS Feeds for saved searches – The ability to search multiple school districts at once – for example, to search Crozet, you need to search Brownsville and Crozet Elementary Schools. … If you’re interested in seeing this new search before I release it publicly, please let me know . *yes, I acknowledge that this is a moderately keyword-slammed post, but it’s worth it.

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Going to Orlando Today for the Realtor Convention

That said, I’ll be sitting on a panel of my peers – Ginger Wilcox , Teresa Boardman , Ines Hededus-Garcia whom I greatly respect where we’ll be discussing – you guessed it – real estate blogs and how Realtors can benefit from them. … Friday I’ll be attending part of Bloodhound Unchained – where I hope to bring back at least three nuggets/tools/things which I can apply to my business – and therefore – my clients.

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Getting Involved in Waynesboro

And our location basically at the hub of Charlottesville and the economic engine that is the University of Virginia and Harrisonburg and the economic engine that is James Madison University gives us a unique opportunity to attract the industry of the 21st century. The future of industry is in the kinds of technological innovations that will come out of UVa. and JMU and the former Stanford Research Institute that is now working with both of our region’s major universities on the next computer mouse and the next Internet, to name two projects that SRI led in its early years in California.

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Foreclosures in Charlottesville – Answers to some of the Questions

Foreclosure : This is the auction process by which the lender attempts to do 2 things: obtain clear title to the property by wiping out liens and obligations recorded after the instrument, and occasionally accepting a successful bid that pays all or part of what they are owed. … Often the lender will instruct the trustee to make a bid on it’s behalf that is somewhere very near the amount they are owed, in hopes that someone will either bid higher and they will be made whole, or that once they have clear title, they can then resell and hopefully mitigate their loss.

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