Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Carnival of the Green # 152

My Second favorite, due to my shift this year to riding my bicycle around Charlottesville is Zoom Life’s submission – Zoom Life presents the Top 5 Electric Bicycles of 2008 Electric bicycles, or e-bikes, bridge the gap between bicycles and scooters by giving you a vehicle which is both human and electric-powered. … My personal belief is that altruism and “doing the right thing” will carry us to a greener world only so far – – as evidenced by this story describing how funding is getter harder to get for green startups – we need to Go Green to Save Green to achieve a broader adoption of green lifestyles.

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Consistently Vacant Homes in Charlottesville Homes for Sale

CNBC noted last week that vacant homes are having a national impact on the market, but this post is about the local market – Some of the consequences of vacant houses – potential identity theft , homeowner’s insurance rates going up (or being canceled) , snowball effect on neighborhoods , … localities’ budgets will likely be impacted by all the vacancies … If you’re a buyer looking at a vacant house, you may want to (get permission) and come in before the home inspection and spend some time flushing toilets, running water, running the dishwasher, washer/dryer, etc. – the snapshot provided by a short (although thorough) home inspection may not provide all the insight you need.

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Charlottesville Loses Something Hugely Valuable

I’m sure (and hopeful) that there will be homages to the Vinegar Hill Theatre in the coming days and weeks, but let me put forth my two cents – It. … I saw only a few films there over the years, most memorably Life is Beautiful with my now wife, when they unfairly turned the lights on as soon as the credits started to roll – and we all had somehow gotten something in our eyes.

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Agent Genius Spheres and News

Agent Genius Rocks Agent Genius , the national real estate news magazine, launched two new features/branches this morning – AG Sphere and AG News – If you’re a consumer curious about what some of the best and brightest real estate minds have to say, or if you’re in real estate and want to learn about real estate trends, technology , mortgage news , even finding a local real estate professional and general movements within the industry, check them out. *Disclaimer: I am honored to be one of the writers at AG, but that doesn’t influence how impressed I am by what they continue to do.

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Charlottesville Realtor Association to write Neighborhood pages on Wikipedia

Courtesy of C-Ville – Savage emphasizes the project is still taking shape, but the basic concept is that CAAR would begin a Wikipedia entry with some information about a neighborhood and expect “homeowner associations, people who live or used to live in the neighborhood, realtors, and other locals to contribute.” … First, placing editorial power in the hands of readers, sometimes called crowdsourcing, does not entirely eliminate the possibility that “realtors could go on Wikipedia solely as a venue to advertise themselves.”

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Charlottesville Real Estate Company Streamlines

Now as we face inevitable – and desperately needed – cleansing of the real estate hobbyists from the entire industry, they are among the first to recognize and react to current and projected economy. … And I suspect that this is but the beginning; Real Estate III has so many offices that one or two (or probably even three or four) won’t matter so much in the grand scheme … but for the companies that have only one office …

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