Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Twitter Week in Review – Some Real Estate Conversations, Some Off-Topic

Great caller on @ CSPAN just now “throw them all the hell out and start a *real* third party” response “…and we’ll leave it right there” 🙂 #

… @ jolenta Long day of showing ahead tomorrow; I’ll get it done tonight w/ @docusign’s help and be done. in reply to jolenta #

… #SMCCVille’s Event today – Traditional Media and Social Media – If you can’t make it, ask questions using # SMCCVille #

… RT @tgonser: @ JimDuncan Dying to know the answer to “I love DocuSign but…” The blog image shows a red x.[try this ] #

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Could Crozet Library Close?

From The HooK : Not only is Crozet not getting the mammoth new library it was expecting , a possible ten percent budget cut might mean closure of library it already enjoys, and Scottsville could lose its library with just a five percent cut.

…Last January, the State Library Board adopted a new standard of “.6 SF with .8 desired” for public libraries serving populations up to 25,000. … Based on those standards, if Crozet’s service area population (that is, the population within 6 miles of the library) reaches 25,000, the public library should be in the square foot range of 15,000 SF – 20,000 SF. A rule of thumb in public library development is that when a building’s circulation of library materials (checkouts) reaches 25 per square foot per year, the library should plan for expansion.

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What’s The Haven?

The building that now houses TJACH is The Haven (at the corner of First and Market) and is open after a massive renovation; the CO has been issued and they been serving clients for the past week or so, under a ‘soft opening’; a bigger, formal shindig is forthcoming once furniture and other infrastructure arrives, and the service providers full move into their spaces. … There are a lot of myths and assumptions surrounding the homeless, and one of the mandates will be to educate the public about what homeless is and isn’t; here are a few: 1) 80% of people are homeless LESS THAN 2 YEARS.

…It will provide day-shelter (no overnight stays or temporary housing) to the region’s homeless where they can, 1) Take a shower, 2) Do laundry, 3) Have mail sent, collect checks or to have a physical, no-cost mailing address for job applications, 4) Have a safe place to go during the day to read, get out of the cold/heat/rain, relax, meet people, go to the bathroom, etc. … Currently, if you are homeless and want/need to take advantage of social services, you must either walk, hitchhike, get a ride or forgo appointments for housing helping, legal aid, mental services, spread out around the city and county.

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Another Day, Another List

I had to double-check the link to make sure that this was for 2009; I was certain it was for 2005.

…Charlottesville is home to the University of Virginia, which strengthens the area’s healthy economy by providing steady jobs and a wealth of amenities and entertainment. … As more and more people learn about this year’s best city, Charlottesville may find staying affordable and sprawl-free is its greatest challenge!

…If you’re considering relocating to the Charlottesville area, check out this page – I’m building it as a one-stop source for beginning your home and neighborhood search.

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