Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Read the Fine Print

In everything – real estate contracts, buyer brokerage agreements, gym memberships, massive bailout bills that may fundamentally alter our financial systems … … Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

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NGIC Employees can choose Their Own Buyer Representation

Neither I nor my company will not be one of those going on this trip to court the future residents of Central Virginia, but that doesn’t mean that our Buyer Agency services offered won’t be available to these employees; we just won’t have the initial one-on-one opportunity to introduce ourselves. … An important note – the Charlottesville/Albemarle/Greene (otherwise known as “Central Virginia) region does not have reliable public transit (yet) – although local government officials are doing their respective best to extract whatever they can – (bolding mine) Supervisor David Slutzky (Rio) asked how many people might be in that “contractor tail” in addition to the 1,000 personnel being relocated.

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C-Ville Gets it on Real Estate Blogs

From this month’s Abode section of the C-Ville Weekly , Erika Howsare dives into real estate blogs – Locally and nationally, real estate blogs, forums and websites of all descriptions have proliferated and changed the industry, as buyers and sellers (and agents and brokers) have more fluid, flexible ways of getting information. In Charlottesville, someone getting ready to make a deal can bone up on buyer-broker agreements at Jim Duncan’s blog , watch a video entitled “ How to sell your home (in black & white) ” at Daniel Rothamel’s blog , or peruse an aggregation of gloomy national news mixed with skeptical takes on local listings by the anonymous authors of Real C-ville —The Bubble Blog. …

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Buyers – Do your Due Diligence about School Districts

The essence of the plaintiffs’ complaint was that they specifically told their Weichert Realtor that they wanted to live in the Montville section of Montville Township, rather than in either of the other two sections of the Township, that she mistakenly assured them that a particular house was located in their desired section when in fact it was located in the Towaco section, and that they bought the house in November 2001 based on her mistaken representation. The plaintiffs’ contended that the house was worth less money because it was located in the Towaco section of the Township, and that their son was unable to go to a particular elementary school that was only available to residents of the Montville section.

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