Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

Reader Question – Why No Western Bypass?

To see the long, long lines of traffic, particularly trucks, snaking up 29N waiting to get onto 250W, it puzzles the heck out of me why the bypass hasn’t become a reality. … —– A roundup – C-Ville The Western Bypass, a road that would run from Route 29 just south of Hollymead to UVA’s North Grounds connector, has long been a dream of those who want a way to cut around the stoplights and traffic crunch that is 29N.

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(Other Peoples’) Thoughts on the Mortgage Crisis

The first step should be the following law: If the government must step in and provide any sort of financing or guarantees for any part of a public company’s business, then all officers and directors lose all rights to severance pay and all outstanding vested or unvested options or warrants immediately become canceled.

… Unless you live in California, Las Vegas, South Florida, or the Rust Belt…which either experienced high levels of mortgage fraud, illogical appreciation, or economic tough times due to indigenous ‘industrial age’ industry…your local housing market is no worse off than it was before Wall Street’s most recent ‘Black Monday’.

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Goodbye George

George Herring was a man who could do it all – roofing, ripping out drywall, installing skylights, building and tearing down decks, install siding, take it off – haul it all away and stand by his work. … I’ll miss him asking me when I or my mom is going to send him some work; he’s “been eating nothing but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches since the last time we talked!”).

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