Posts Published by Jim Duncan

A Charlottesville Realtor who tries to stay on the bleeding/cutting/functional edge of technology and real estate trends. I have been selling real estate for the past 10 years, lived in C'Ville for twenty+ and am married to one of few Charlottesville natives left.

When Does the Charlottesville Real Estate Season Begin?

Left as a message via the message box on the right last night: I’m looking for a house, but can’t find what I’m looking for east of town in the right price range. When do you think the “season” will begin and we will see more of a variety of listings on the market? … What this doesn’t show is what percentage of these listings sold or what their prices were … that’s a story for another day. If you’re interested in more detailed market reports about the Charlottesville regional real estate market, you may be interested in these reports:

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Twitter Week in Review

@ mayaREguru @ mattdollinger @ ProfessionalOne @ Swanepoel I’m giving a presentation about MLS & agent sites at 2 # rebcny in reply to mayaREguru #

… If you’re not paying attn to the VA Gen Assembly, you’re missing bills like this – “children” aren’t 18, they’re “23” #

RT @lostremote: The Economist calls 2010 “The year of the paywall.” [good info doesn’t *have* to be free] #

… @ jmckeever Sing-song auction going from one million on up was interesting to watch (I’d say “fun” but it *was* a foreclosure auction) in reply to jmckeever #

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Buying a house in 2011 – What Advice do you have now?

Help Jeannine get educated on how to buy a house … Never one to put off day dreaming today about something that won’t be reality until tomorrow, I’ve already started to casually glance at real estate listings. I used to have some house characteristics in mind, but this browsing has me thinking about very specific locations, down to the actual street. … She may be buying in 2011, but she’s preparing now …

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Walkability – More than a Fad

“For the typical metropolitan area, each additional point of Walk Score was associated with a $700- to $3,000- increase in home values, after controlling for other observable factors. To give you an idea of what kind of difference that makes in the marketplace, we looked at the difference in home values between a typical house that had the 50th percentile Walk Score, compared to an otherwise identical house that had the 75th percentile Walk Score. Going from the average level of walkability to the 75th percentile raised the value of the median house by between $4,000 and about $34,000, depending on the market.”

…Even more on walkability from the New York Times : REAL estate agents often chant the mantra “location, location, location,” which essentially means “find a home in a well-kept neighborhood with good schools and a low crime rate.”

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How NOT to use social media – Particularly when it’s my name

If you’re a LinkedIn contact of mine , please know that I had nothing to do with the recent solicitation spam sent out. The offender has apologized to me and others, but this is a prime example of how not to use social media. As I said on Marijean’s blog : It’s one thing to farm email addresses, but an entirely different affair to use the farmed-one’s name as a means to attempt to ooze credibility. * I will be moving this post to the sideblog shortly, but wanted to apologize publicly and disavow my name from this practice.

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