Never, ever come to North Carolina’s Outer Banks on a Saturday. The traffic was horrendous – it took us about three hours to drive about 15 miles. At least the house has wireless. And cell service.
Browsing Category About Jim
Thank you!
I was voted the “Favorite Realtor” in Daily Progress’ poll. Thank you to everybody who voted for me! I appreciate everyone’s votes.
Why do I blog?
I enjoy having an outlet (that may or may not be read by others) where I can exercise my thoughts and my writing skills, skills that need constant attention…. I read this the other day on another local blog; his explanation for blogging is simple and clear, and one that I share.Blogging puts you in the position every sales person wants to be, in direct communication with potential prospects who have a certain degree of confidence in you at a personal level.”With a blog, there is no need for the painfully obvious script that some salesmen use to develop closeness with a prospect…. You can try to put on a different, and better, personality for blogging, but your real personality has a habit of showing through.For those of you who visit regularly, thank you, and I appreciate the time you spend here.
Me in my office
The long, often unpredictable hours of real estate allow for the occasional rest in my office.
Happy July 4th
Because it is my job to sell at all times…. I have learned that even on the holidays the serious buyers come out to play…. But this is the profession that I have chosen and I will fufill my duties as required.I couldn’t have said it better, so I won’t try.
Slow blogging this week.
My mom, Betty Duncan is out of town this week, so I am covering her business as well as my own…. lots of news happening in the City and County … anybody want to submit a story?
It’s my daughter’s “Graduation” today from Fifth Grade at Crozet Elementary. Whoo-hooo.