Browsing Category Blogging

Real estate blogs are international

It’s easy to focus on writing for the real estate market within the United States, but real estate (and real estate blogs) is international.  (Translated version) Thanks for the link!  This reinforces my wife’s gift to me this Christmas.Besides, the US Dollar isn’t doing so well right now.Also – Don’t forget about For Sale by Locals – that writes in multiple languages.

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Are (real estate) blogs commercial?

If you have a link to an MLS search, are you therefore offering the potential for you to make money, and thus commercializing your blog?  Is it possible even to make a blanket statement about blogs?Creative Commons offers several different licenses by which to license your work, many of which specify that use is authorized for noncommercial work, “Noncommercial.  You may not use this work for commercial purposes.”This is a tangentially related debate to the “are real estate blogs advertising?”…  Attorney and the Courts?If you have Google Adwords, as some blogs do, (get smart) that would seem to be a commercial offering, no?This post has been sitting unattended for a couple of days.

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What’s a blog?

These guys rock. The ability to explain something in such a clear, concise, easily understandable way is admirable brilliance. I could have used this video on Wednesday when I gave a brief presentation on real estate blogs.It’s funny that they posted the Blogs in Plain English video so long after they explained RSS.

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Passionate real estate representation

From Seth Godin this morning:Every time you walk into a meeting, agree to sit in on a sales call, do a job interview or have a conversation with a consultant, you’re marketing.  You’re either selling the story of your enthusiasm and attention, or you’re not.  And more often than not, you get what you put in.It takes passion to succeed – in real estate, that passion shows itself through selection of clients to represent, through blogs, ethics, associations and pursuits….  When choosing a Realtor to represent you – do you include in your evaluation their dedication and passion?

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Define “readily apparent” for consumers

So the light blogging lasted four hours.The National Association of Realtors has either gone too far or not far enough with their ambiguous dictate: (read it quickly before it goes behind Inman’s subscription wall)Directors amended an article in the NAR Code of Ethics to state that Realtors “shall ensure that their status as real estate professionals is readily apparent in their advertising, marketing and other representations, and that the recipients of all real estate communications are, or have been, notified that those communications are from a real estate professional.”How does one define “readily apparent”?…  Do any readers of this blog not know that I am a Realtor?…  Does every Twitter post have to have a Realtor disclosure/announcement?…  This could be a step in the right direction, but will indubitably be confused/confounded/rendered useless or harmful in practice.Technology seems to be moving and evolving too quickly for the NAR.Is real estate blogging advertising?

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