Browsing Category Blogging

Upcoming this week on RealCentralVA

I’m trying something new this week – I’m going to try to have some sort of schedule for posting.Tuesday, I’ll attempt to answer this question:What is your opinion of agencies like Zip Realty ( particularly in representing the buyer?Wednesday – market statistics for Central Virginia for September.Thursday – Why print advertising is worse than worthless.Friday – something will likely present itself.  Likely a resumption of the Neighborhood series.

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Collaborating in real time

In working on this presentation on blogging for the past week or ten days, we used Google’s Presentation (Powerpoint for the unenlightened) to work together.  Chatting within the presentation making changes was mighty efficient.I’ve said before, and this is a clear example, effecting change needs to be at least a two-pronged approach.  Working from outside the aging gorilla’s reach is effective, but working within the behemoth’s reach in tandem with those outside efforts should prove much more effective….  Influencing their conversation is but one way to get things done.In an example of the Web 2.0 world, I’ve spoken to Ben Martin dozens of times, (only a couple of times on the phone, the rest on IM or Skype) worked on this presentation for a couple of hours, and have yet to meet him, but have full confidence that today’s talk will go smoothly.

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Another reason blog “leads” are better

The differences between leads generated from blogs and “leads” purchased through one of the various blood-sucking non-value-adding referral companies are many.  Some of the most crucial differences are that blog clients:1) Are typically further along in the process of hiring an agent (whether buyer’s or seller’s representation)2) Have vetted me, at least a little bit, by reading what I have written over the past 34 months, which makes the process more efficient for both of us.3) Frequently are more aware of the current market and some of the factors impacting the market.4) They’re not “leads” per se, they’re typically conversations about whether we might work well together.4) I would never have gotten this question from a blind internet lead:(b) We’d obviously prefer to avoid dual agency if at all possible.  If an appropriate listing comes up through your C21 office, though, what safeguards are in place to protect both sides?I love that this question is asked up front!  Fortunately, I have an opinion on dual agency – get rid of it.All in all, the hours spent reading and writing every day are worth it for my own knowledge and ability to represent my clients.

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Blog Action Day – 15 October 2007

Normally I don’t buy into these things, but this one seems worthwhile and credible:Blog Action Day (and their blog)On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind – the environment.  Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic.  Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future.As I have written many times before, being mindful of our impact on the environment ought not be a political issue; conservation makes sense (particularly now in the midst of a drought)….  Living green is easier than ever.Start learning more:TreehuggerWikipediaDiggGreen TVWe can live greenGreen moviesThere is real momentum to the green building trend:Thanks to Lani, Copyblogger and ProBlogger for the heads-up.Any other blogs in the Charlottesville area planning on participating?

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