Browsing Category Blogging

Crafty SEO tactics for real estate bloggers

”Learn more here and here.I’ll leave these two comments as examples at least for the time being; next time I’ll probably just submit these sites to Askimet.Trying to appeal to these firms and their deceived customers is probably a waste of time, but I’ll try anyway.  Paying for these “services” puts you in the same company as those selling Viagra and enlargement tools, canadian pharmacies, Nigerian investors and sploggers.Most insidiously, these paid-for-comments detract from the authenticity that makes blogging attractive….  I have my own blog and I’ve had spammers (like the ones mentioned in the link you sent me) leave comments on my blog for viagra and other inappropriate content and you’re right to be vigilant about comments left on your blog….  (Please feel free to check out our site to get a better idea of our business model and clients website least this person admitted what she was doing.

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Is real estate blogging advertising?

I’ve happened to earn some clients from my efforts here, but that was never the specific and primary intent (I’d be lying if I didn’t hope that somebody would contact me because of the blog).The Commonwealth of Virginia’s Real Estate Board sent out its quarterly newsletter recently with an article that stated the following regarding real estate advertising:For a web site, either the firm or the licensee must include disclosure of their status as a real estate licensee in a prominent place, or have an easily identified link to such a disclosure if the firm or licensee owns the webpage or controls its content.For emails, blogs, and bulletin boards, disclosure should be provided at the beginning or the end of the email.Are websites and blogs so different that they need to be regulated differently?Aren’t blog readers generally savvy-enough to determine whether the author is or is not a licensed Realtor?…  With regards to both real estate agents (not necessarily Realtors) and consumers?When participating in or hosting a blog or chat for real estate business purposes, be sure to disclose your status as a licensee and the name of your firm PRIOR to offer to provide licensable services or disclose in text visible on the same webpage that contains the chat session or blog, especially if the licensee controls the web site hosting.The world of new media is too large, too fluid and too misunderstood by those writing the regulations to be covered by a “one-size fits all” system.  Look no further than the diversity of the arguably arbitrary “top 20 real estate blogs” – stipulating that they’re not all from Virginia, how many advertising rules would it take to regulate these effectively?…  It is important to remember that disclosure of your status as a real estate agent is important in all forms of advertising.For online advertising, disclosure means (1) the advertising contains the firm’s name, city, state of firm’s main office or (2) the advertisement contains the licensee’s name, the name of the firm with which the licensee is active and the city and state in the licensee’s office is located.In all instances — including classified ads — the firm’s name must be provided.For a web site, either the firm or the licensee must include disclosure of their status as a real estate licensee in a prominent place, or have an easily identified link to such a disclosure if the firm or licensee owns the webpage or controls its content.For emails, blogs, and bulletin boards, disclosure should be provided at the beginning or the end of the email.An acceptable email signature would look like this:Jane Doe, GRI, licensed salesperson in the Commonwealth of VirginiaHappy Daze Realty1500 Sunshine CircleRichmond, VA 23225804-999-9999 Office804-222-2222 CellWhen participating in or hosting a blog or chat for real estate business purposes, be sure to disclose your status as a licensee and the name of your firm PRIOR to offer to provide licensable services or disclose in text visible on the same webpage that contains the chat session or blog, especially if the licensee controls the web site hosting.Keep in mind that we need to inform the public of our licensee status when we share real estate related information or whenever we are sharing our expertise, even online.”

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Media appearance tomorrow morning

Listen to WINA (those of you from outside Charlottesville are just out of luck, unless they add it to their “On Demand”).  I will be on from 0910 to 0927 talking about the history of blogging, referencing the Wall Street Journal’s recent article on the supposed 10-year “Blogiversary.”  (temp free link) There are people out there much more qualified than I, but I’ll try to make the best of the opportunity.

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A logo for

After donating money to Todd’s attempt to be released from “jail,” and receiving a t-shirt as thanks, I figured now was as good a time as any to have a logo for  I contracted with F5 Designs via Elance for a logo.  I filled out their questionnaire and this is the result -When I asked them what it meant, this was the response, one with which I am pretty satisfied:From what we saw in your site, we related the connected arrows with Market connections and communications.  As a central point for meeting and sharing information….What do you think?

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Just a note on subscribing to RealCentralVA via email

I have noticed in the past couple of days that some of the newer subscribers do not seem to be verifying their subscriptions….  – First, you have to click on the subscribe link and enter your email address.  – Next, you have to check your email (possibly the spam folder) and verify that you do indeed want to subscribe.  Once you do this, you will receive updates when new stories are written.Hopefully soon Feedburner will allow me to adjust the frequency of emails – for example, when I write three stories, then you get an email.

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Building credibility takes time

Much like Technorati rankings give greater authority to those blogs with more inbound links from other blogs with authority, being quoted in local media outlets is similar.  Even though internet access reached majority of the American populace, many are not familiar with blogs, much less real estate blogs….  Charlottesville is lucky to have an aggregator of most of the local blogs.A client who is relocating out of the area asked me the other day what advice/tips I had for her as she will be entering the family business of real estate when she moves….  This knowledge will set you apart for your clients and potential clients.- Get started at Greg’s real estate blog taxonomy and Rain City Guide, the two preeminent real estate blogs in the country.

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