Browsing Category Blogging

Hyper local blogging success

RealCrozetVA was started in September of 2005 with a simple goal:I am starting this blog somewhat on a whim, so as to provide a forum for Crozet to (hopefully) discuss their thoughts about Crozet’s growth.My whimsical vision also sees this as a place to discuss Crozet’s goings-on, music and cultural events, local vineyards, etc. This will be a slow start, as my business and my blog and my life already consume so much of my time….  That it has been over 18 months since its inception is amazing; it feels like only yesterday that I got the bug to start it.One thing differentiates realcrozetva from some of the other “hyper local” blogs that have been discussed in the – it was started purely for the community, with no desire to gain profit (much like, but even more localized).  Only very recently have I added the “Search for Homes” tab, and I debated and struggled with that for quite some time; I do not want to detract from the site’s being for the Crozet community.  One of the best features of the site is the Community Map, which shows many, although not yet all, businesses in Crozet.I cannot yet attribute a single transaction to the site, and don’t really care; that was never the goal.

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Reflections on this weekend

This weekend I had the opportunity to meet with two different buyers, both of whom are going to be Medical Residents at UVA, and I hope I listened well.1) “Your blog is very helpful – more-so than your website.”  While somewhat difficult to hear, this reflects the changing dynamics of how people search for homes.  Buyers and sellers can search for homes anywhere; finding the information interpreted in a cogent way seems to be more challenging to find.2) Email cannot replace interviewing Buyer’s Agents face-to-face – but having a blog can help, as that Buyer has the opportunity to learn more about who that agent is.3) I have a new project – a flow chart depicting the various steps of the home-buying process.4) People notice when you listen and take notes (which I do).5) When I am meeting with Buyers or Sellers, I look at the initial meeting as a job interview, and I hope that they do too.  Not taking anything for granted – ever – is crucial to success.As a side-note, Jott has been an excellent addition to my business.

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The value of transparent blogging

That’s fine, but be aware of the potential problems.Is Dual Agency good?…  In a conversation the other day with another Realtor, we were discussing the soon-to-be-released Buyer-Broker form (to replace this one), which I sign with all of my buyer-clients.* He was wondering whether we should put a disclaimer in that says that we may not know about all of the properties that are out there, either by the limited-service firms, unrepresented sellers, etc., in light of the current wording in the Agreement that states:Broker shall use professional real estate knowledge and skills to represent Buyer in a diligent and effective manner and to locate property which is available for purchase and suitable to Buyer….  I’ve written a story about that, stating that there are so many different sites to search, frankly I need my buyers’ help in locating the property sometimes.  I’ll say it again, my value is in representing my clients, not necessarily searching various websites.My constant references may seem annoying at times, but the fact is that I write almost every day, which puts me in a positionNo man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.~Abraham LincolnClient is anyone that you or your firm has a formal agreement to work with.

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Bloginar today in NoVa

If you don’t take it seriously, you will fail on an international stage; likely few will see it, but your words will be there forever.  I hope that I was able to convey, in the short period of time I had, my passion for the business, for blogging and for doing things right – the first time (and learning from all the inevitable mistakes)….  A few of the points covered:- Why blog?- Benefits of Blogging- Transparency/Reputation- Knowledge gained through blogging- Local -v- National blogging- Should you blog your listings?- Potential Liability- Where to get ideas?- Above all, be honest in all that you say or do.  Your words can be used for and against you.I would be happy to email anybody my list of real estate blogs I read every day.

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RealCentralVA is two years old

I have learned an enormous amount from the real estate bloggers out there, and plan to continue to do so….  National trends impact the Charlottesville, Virginia market, but the most influential real estate trends happen on the local level.7.  Right or wrong, I feel a certain responsibility to write as well and as frequently as possible – both for my own and my readers’ continuity.I wanted to link to some of my older stories, but the conversion process from iBlog to Wordpress destroyed much of the formatting.  If I could figure out how to install this tag cloud plugin, I’d post the most common words and categories over the past two years.Blogging is easy, but as with anything, blogging well can be quite difficult.

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Links for 3 January 2007

How to fight.Gorgeous pictures of soccer fields (HT: growabrain)Too many RealtorsTime-based Zoning takes a blow in GreeneVista is going to jumpstart blogs and RSS….  I am currently using Neo Office, and it’s just fine, thank you.  As is Google Docs.Survey shows the parts of the City of Charlottesville in which residents feel safer(er).Wal-mart pushing fluorescent bulbs and they may institute congestion scheduling for their workers – if they can do this for their workforce, why can’t the State institute congestion pricing for infrastructure?  For all of their perceived evils, government could learn a lot from Wal-Mart.

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