Browsing Category Blogging

A new website and unintended consequences

As a follow-up to my “What I want in a website” – I am testing out a new website that very well may become my main real estate site….  Ubertor are innovative and easy to work with so far.They are doing things that no other site is yet doing (that I have seen) – craigslist integration, Google Base, geocoding of listings, Feedburner, Google SiteMaps for traffic analysis, all email goes through Gmail, framing of my blog …As I write some of the features, something is becoming more and more clear – all of these features are chipping away at the chinks in the MLS’ armor and fortifying the position of the search engines.  How else will buyers find properties if the MLS’ lead deteriorates further?  Google.  Yahoo….  al.As a testament to how fast things move – I have been putting this post together over the past three days.  In that time, I came across this post at the Real Estate Tomato about Google Base’s continuing advance into the real estate world.  Most of the features are clearly targeted to both the cutting-edge Realtor as well as the tech-savvy clientele.

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Tuesday Links – 22 August 2006

Is it a blog?  Or not?What’s your Mac “killer app”?  I am waiting on the 2nd Gen Macbooks – each time I buy a new iPod, a better one seems to come out less than a month later …  Just a start in the MLS discussion – a whole lot more to come.10 things Every Company Should Monitor – set up an RSS feed in Yahoo, Google, or any other site that covers your industry.  The blog world has changed the impact one voice can have.

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Don’t Pull Posts

One of the best (and worst) parts of writing is that the author can be held accountable for each and every word written.  There is no action that draws more attention to those words than pulling a post.  They will always be there, thanks to the search engines, RSS readers and the like.I made this mistake once before.  I hope to never do it again.

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