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Morning links for 31 July 2006

“We’ll buy your house!”  And why you should be wary.  If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.Why are homes price drop resistant?After a weekend alone with my 2 1/2 year old, this is comforting.  Kudos to Wikipedia for helping to educate bloggers (and everyone else) on the importance of citations.Will Google learn from Yahoo?I need to learn to Get Things Done.

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Local real estate blogging

The CharlAlbemarle real estate environment (I hate the term “blogsophere!)…  A couple of blogs have come and languished and a couple have come and prospered.  Now, it appears that the first company real estate blog may be primed for launch….  As interesting as a company blog may seem, I am most intrigued by what their company policy will be on blogging.  This is a new realm; most real estate blogs are individual bloggers.  The corporate blog is a different animal, both from a opinion-expression point of view as well as the liability point of view.  An interesting experiment awaits.I debate internally whether to write about other local real estate bloggers, but feel that the community aspect of both the real estate community and the blogging community overreaches my personal desire to succeed.  We are all better with a more open, frank and honest dialogue and cooperation.

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All press is good press

I was recently interviewed by Jessica Swesey of Inman News for a story on real estate blogging success stories.  I steadfastly hesitate to call my blogging experience a success.  My blogging and career remain a constant work in progress.  As soon as I get permission, I will post a link.  Noah Rosenblat, also interviewed, said:”It always takes a lot more time to do than anyone thinks.  The key is good content; there’s got to be a reason to come back,” he said.  His theory for good content?  Tell it like it is and always be honest.It is an odd experience to see my name and quotations in the same article as Robert Scoble, of Microsoft fame.

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Business blogging takes time

And commitment, dedication, knowledge and a sense of humor.  I read this story at Steve Rubel’s site last week, referencing this study done by the University of Massachusetts (pdf).One of the more insightful conclusions is a simple one: Blogs Evolve.For anybody curious about blogging for their business, take the time to read this study.  Blogging is not rocket science, success take the will to succeed.

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