Browsing Category Blogging

Blogging is personal – and effective

Mark Cuban has an excellent post describing some of the major differences between traditional media and blogging.  Well worth a read -(Traditional media) get hired for a specific job and they have to do that job.  They get hired by a corporation that is most likely public, which means their senior management , the people they ultimately report to, have to put getting the stock price up above all else.  That is really what blogging vs traditional media in 2006 has come down to….  Blogging is personal, traditional media is corporate.Is print media dead?Where newspapers kick the Internets behindPrint will always have a place – for investigative journalism, for the 5,000 word analysis that would be extraordinarily difficult to read on a blog, the sheer volume of information provided and for the satisfying effect that comes from sitting down and reading the paper from the first page to the last.  Importantly, does real estate advertising have a future on the pages of newspapers, weeklies, monthly magazines?  Why do real estate marketers (Realtors) spend so much money on a format that is inefficient, difficult to track and expensive?  The direct connection to consumers the “trust” factor is mightily difficult to convey in a 2 x 3 (or whatever size one chooses) static house advertisement.

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A Summit for bloggers

One of the great things about the Charlottesville area is the opportunity to connect with others in a variety of interesting and unique ways.  Last year the inaugural blogging summit was held in Charlottesville – an unprecedented and unparalleled meeting of many of Virginia’s bloggers.  Blogging has grown nation- and state-wide in the past year; the Charlottesville blogging arena has grown significantly, if not exponentially and has become a great source of opinions and information on what “is” Charlottesville.  This year brings another summit – this time at the Darden School at UVa.Politics tend to populate much of the blogging world, and for good reason – politics elicit opinions and politics impact everybody in one way or another.  Norm at OMT has a succinct summary of the evolution of this year’s summit.  The lineup of speakers is truly impressive.  Kudos to the organizers.Yet another thing to look forward to this summer.

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Charlottesville Blog Carnival 05-05-2006

I accepted this challenge not fully understanding the time that is required to read (or at least attempt to read) all of the offerings of the Charlottesville blogging community.  If anyone feels left out, I apologize.This week was punctuated by the Charlottesville City elections and the opening of the Downtown Mall to even more traffic.Lucretius reflects on the election, as does Rick.DocMultimedia, the most ornery resident of the “village” reflects on the opening of the Mall while Jeannine wonders whether “pedestrian mall” means something else.Waldo launched Virginia Political Blogs – an aggregator of perhaps the most active political blogosphere in the nation.Anoop reveals that the Waffle House takes credit cards.  Is the apocalypse really that close?CvilleTomorrow notes the conflicts in installing a town within a town.The end of this chapter in the Living Wage campaign.  I have a feeling that it will be back.Sean Tubbs with CPN is podcasting some of Charlottesville – Right Now.  If only WINA would stream and podcast the entire shows …Dave comments on immigration.Joe continues his finding of some of the best stuff on the web.  Bet on the price of gas!Duane laments the continuing lack of geographic knowledge of America youth.Private college counselors for the application-challenged.Lexi is tired.We have a broad and wide-ranging blogging community here in the Greater Charlottesville area.  Any omissions were purely my fault.

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