Browsing Category Blogging

Blogging’s rise

This article from the current American Journalism Review examines blogs’ influence on the recent political campaign in the Commonwealth.  I personally see blogs contributing to the dispersion of news and information rather than replacing mainstream newspapers.  I say newspapers and their online arms because I tend to not watch any television news and read mainly the WSJ and occasionally the Daily Progress in print.  We need “big media” for several reasons – the inherent trust which blogs for the most part have not yet developed or cultivated.But most acknowledge their dependence on newspapers for the raw material on which they then riff.  “I’m not a journalist and don’t claim to be,” says Chad Dotson, the 32-year-old prosecutor whose Commonwealth Conservative blog was perhaps the season’s most popular pro-Republican site….  This is the Wild West of reporting (and I use that term very loosely), but if I said something completely off the reservation, I would expect that bloggers on the left side would come on my blog and correct and criticize me.  It is self-governing in that way.”That’s what I try to do – in an open, honest and decidedly interested way, here in my little corner of the blogosphere (there’s got to be a better name than that!)One of the greatest differences between the mediums is the speed of reaction.But Jaquith is clear that blogs operate in a different universe, with different rules: “Bloggers are not a model of bipartisanship or a model of journalism.  We jump to conclusions; we say stupid things; we say things that are wrong.”There is a level of accountability and desire to be accurate due to that accountability.

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New feature

In the sidebar to the left, you will see the new “Worth Noting,” borrowed from Rain City Real Estate Guide.  I use this blog as a bit of a repository for my thoughts and as a knowledge dump.  Starting to use more, this seemed like a natural progression.  I would have liked to have implemented something similar to Waldo’s sideblog, and may well try to implement this Wordpress plugin sometime soon …  despite its complexity (to me).

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1,000 posts

What a scary number.  I have been blogging for a year now; I started 4 January of 2005.  I have written a lot, but have learned a lot more, both from those commenting and from my own research and need to be an expert on my subject matter.  Here’s to continued growth and another one thousand posts.

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Ideas wanted

I am always looking for creative inspiration.  Now I ask the readers (all three of you) to email me your ideas for what you would like to see here.  Anything that you think might generate a good conversation, something that has not been discussed elsewhere or something that concerns you about the Central Virginia real estate market.  Hope to hear from you!

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