Browsing Category Blogging

Local blogging – it’s a start.

The DP has an interesting article this morning about the local growing blogging community, which has been brought into focus, in my opinion, by Waldo.  Cvilleblogs is a simple idea, and brilliant in its simplicity and function.  I was quoted and hope that I sounded less the fool than I think I sound.  For the record, here is the post to which I was referring here:”Finding a real estate agent is kind of like dating.

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Plagiarism and blogging

I came across this blog this morning that (I think accidentally) linked to one of my stories.  I appears that he is copying and pasting my stories without attribution….  Three of his eight stories are mine.  It took me a little while to get used to writing in the “blogosphere” but I try to follow MLA standards, or at least cite the source.  Hopefully soon I will implement this sourcing plug-in; I just haven’t yet figured out how.  This too is an interesting post on blogging ethics.Blogging ethics are pretty simple.  If you use someone else’s material and research, by all means, cite it!  Just because “everybody does it” doesn’t make it right.

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Website updates

Maintaining an efficient and profitable real estate website takes an awful lot of time; I’ve been working for the past hour or so already.Two notables additions: – I have added an RSS feed for this blog to my real estate site’s homepage.- I added a podcast page the other day.Little tweaks: – Added a few keywords to hopefully increase traffic.  – Deleted some older information.- Moved a few things around in general.My constant question is this – what are consumers/buyers/sellers looking for in a real estate website?  What would encourage them to return?  To bookmark my site rather than search others?

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Real estate, blogging, technology

There is so much that I want to read and write about, and not enough time.These are a few interesting and pertinent articles about real estate, blogging,Business blogging – does your company belong in the Blogosphere?Particularly in light of last week’s Blogging for Business conference.Rising inventories of unsold homes.  I am working on local data to complement this story.The 10 Hottest Trends in the U.S. Housing Market.Moving and schools.  How moving affects the kids.RSS users visit sites more often.Support for my desire to implement RSS on my real estate website.  Any web designers out there want to help/partner with me?How to boost your credit score.

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