Browsing Category Blogging

A little competition is healthy

And the prizes can’t be beat.Those prizes being a firm handshake, a pat on the back perhaps and the ever-lasting glory that comes from winning a Blog Brawl.For those of you reading who have 30 seconds to spare, I’d appreciate your submission at the Virginia Association of Realtors’ blog.  Just type in, click submit and then bask in the satisfaction of helping me achieve the afore-mentioned ever-lasting glory.Candidly, I’m quite proud that our state Realtor Association is reaching out to the next generation of members.  So, thanks.Go here to submit

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What a difference six months make (in blogging)

I’m at the Virginia Association of Realtors’ conference this week, and that’s why I haven’t been responding to the comments (sorry!).  I’ve been talking about blogging quite a bit in the hallways, and the single greatest “thing” I’ve noticed is this – Since the last conference, the conversation has shifted from “What’s a Blog?”  to “How do we deal with them?”  How-to, liability, branding, advertising versus journalism.I’m going to be speaking at the Charlottesville Association of Realtors meeting about blogging next month, and to a Northern Virginia Board of Directors soon about “how to deal with blogs” – the shift in acceptance is, quite frankly, amazing.

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The 10 Rules to blog by

Real estate bloggers, brokers, those in real estate associations considering “regulating” real estate blogs …  you should all read this article and watch this course….  Consider what you copy.7….  Seek legal advice.Sadly, all of these seem to be basic common sense, something that is often lost in one’s zeal to publish or lack of education, thought and/or foresight.Hat tip to Darren Rowse on Twitter.

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What good is a real estate blog?

In an industry with a LOT of shills, slackers and slimeballs, only the passionate and hardworking will take the time to write a blog.Work ethic makes all the difference when you’re trying to help someone sell or buy a house.  To sell my home this past summer, I chose a blogger in Northern Va (Merv Forney) because I got to know him through his blog and came to admire his integrity….  I joke that my house was the only one in Loudoun County to sell this past October, but it’s not far from the truth.Merv recommended Jim, so I started reading RealCentralVa.  I was immediately impressed by the fact that Jim’s blog encompasses local issues and politics as well as real estate.I just cannot see the typical real estate agent maintaining a blog for more than a few weeks when all he has to say is crap like “now’s a great time to buy,” and “real estate is a great investment.”When I imply most Realtors are dishonest, I don’t mean they’re outright liars: I just think most cannot overcome the self-interest of getting a commission to think about what’s best for the client.

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Three years of blogging

It’s humbling and a bit embarrassing to look back to my first posts on 4 January 2005, on a vastly different (and inferior, non-open-source) blogging platform – but it was a good place to start.I’d like to think I and this site have grown, matured, tried new things and failed and learned in the process….  Its evolution has been one marked by rapid change, persistence, patience and a dedication to providing the absolute best local analysis of the Charlottesville area real estate market – targeted at buyers, sellers, real estate voyeurs and fellow real estate professionals.I remain passionate and committed to the real estate industry and my clients, and this blog is a big reason for that….  Thank you.Take a quick look at the search traffic for “real estate blog” -A quick look at the Internet Archive shows parts of the evolution.October 18 2005June 30 2006 (one of my favorites, as it shows a hidden “river” showing itself in the City of Charlottesville)February 1 2007 – Sold comps matter lessMuch has changed in three years – there are many more real estate bloggers than there were three years ago. Having been one of the first real estate bloggers gives me a unique perspective, and one thing is constantly being reinforced – being first matters not one damn bit unless you provide consistently high quality content and constantly innovate to meet and stay ahead of consumers’ and readers’ expectations.Blogging has become easier; the threshold for entry is very low – and that is good and bad….  Thank you to the real estate bloggers I have met, on and offline, to the local media who have been so receptive to seeking me out occasionally, to the readers and commenters and to the clients I have gained.I am grateful for your time, your knowledge and for the opportunity to know you, and look forward to another year of writing, analyzing and interacting with readers, clients and friends on and off line.

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